Sunday, October 14, 2012

And the demo-ing has begun....

Ok, it's been several weeks, almost 2 months now since we last posted.  There was a 2 week trip to Italy (I will post pictures later but they aren't downloaded on this computer I am using today) work trips and then a move temporarily into a condo as we waited for Sanford to close and to prep for our renos.

We took possession of Sanford last Wednesday and we have been up to our eyeballs in reno's and cleaning.  After finishing work at 6 we have headed straight to the house to begin, well, more work.   It's been a lot of work and it's been busy but we are extremely happy with the progress we have made to date.  At first we couldn't believe the undertaking we had gotten ourselves into but are already seeing the fruits of our's really been satisfying to see things come together!!

For the renos specifically, we have demo'd the old tv room (honestly not sure what that room was used for ) along with the existing kitchen. All these rooms are on the main floor and were quite closed off from one another and our goal is to create a more open concept look and feel along with a flow that "works".

Here is a picture of the Kitchen (what will be) Wednesday once we took possession.  Unfortunately all other pictures are on another computer so this is all I have at the moment, but you get the point right? :-)

Here it is mid-way through construction on Friday.  I just noticed this wasn't yesterday (Saturday) but Derik pointed out that he decided to take his lunch break and do a little extra demolition. According to his schedule we had already fallen behind, he is definitely the brains of this operation!

And here is our "soon" to be kitchen with the flooring and drywall removed.  Can you noticed the tongue and groove on the far wall?  This used to be an exterior wall and once the extension was built, they drywalled right over's yet to be removed but I have been advised that saws can cut right through those things with ease (reciprocating or circular depending on the mood) so no need to worry :-)

Now if you had studied our plans closely you would remember that the kitchen is adjacent to the tv room (or should I say our soon to be laundry room adjacent to the soon to be kitchen) on the left.  And here is our before......

 The kitchen with drywall removed:
and more drywall removed(sorry for the pics being so dark - we had turned off the electricity at this point)

the view from outside (or from the future living room)

Down to the studs. This is the view from when you enter the house

It's only now that I am realizing that we didn't take any pictures after we took down the framing yesterday.  I think we were so tired and mentally finished we were looking forward to dinner and a hot shower.  Heading over today so we will take some pics of the open space.  Wish us luck!